Evangelism Team
The team's mission - We are called to be Evangelists and to share the Gospel. Our goal is to provide opportunities for the Gospel to come alive among the congregation and community, reaching out and seeking to make disciples of all people. We provide caregiving and prayerfully support those going through sickness, death or other major events in life as part of our Stephen Ministry. We are asked by God to serve those in need and give what we can to help those in need. We strive to do this with the help of God serving all mankind.
The mission is pursued through numerous activities. These include:
The mission is pursued through numerous activities. These include:
- Women's Retreat - the retreat is held twice a year. Typically, it is held the Saturday after Easter and the second Saturday of September. The retreat promotes fellowship with women of all ages along with sessions of bible teaching and discussion.
- Backpack Sunday - The last Sunday in August, the kids and youth are encouraged to bring their backpacks to be blessed and start their year off with a fresh set of school supplies
- Adopt a College Student Program - College students and service persons connects them with a church member who sends notes, care packages and prays for them. Each new college student receives a college prayer shawl in their school colors.
- Neighborhood Parties - Easter and Christmas parties promote outreach between church and community. Food, crafts, entertainment and giveaways plus lots of fun are just a few of the things that happen at these parties. Open to everyone.
- Stephen's Ministry - this program provides caregiving and support to those going through sickness, death or other major events in life
- Halloween Trick or Treat - the team hands out candy and greets our neighbors on the County wide Trick or Treat night