Kid's Kamp
The first children's day camp was held in the early 1960's at the then recently acquired church camp of Pine Acres. The first camps were held for 3-4 years and then discontinued. In 1991, the program was revitalized by some members who either attended that church camp as participants or were there in tow of their mothers. The revitalized program needed a name and Kid's Kamp was born. That first year (1991), the program was 3 days, Monday - Wednesday and had 15 campers. It went very well; therefore, in 1992 the program was expanded to Monday - Thursday. But something was still missing, so in 1993 a Wednesday night sleepover was added. Since many of the staff work full time, the program's expansion stopped there.
The program is a mixture of music, Bible Stories, crafts, activities and, of course, snacks. In the early years, there was no limit on the number of children that participated. One year in particular, it grew to 66 campers. That is a lot of youngins to watch when the age for camp is Kindergarten through sixth grade. Therefore, the limit for Kid's Kamp is now maintained at 40 campers. Over the years, tours of dairy farms have been taken, the Greater Refuse Authority, Zoo America and Middlecreek Wildlife to name a few. Service projects have also been accomplished such as Stuff the Bus with school supplies. 2020 was the 30th year of Kid's Kamp. However, with the Covid pandemic it was a very different year as we were following the CDC summer camp guidelines. 2022 our theme was Food Truck Party. And what better way to spend a summer afternoon but have an ice cream truck come visit the kids. Just like summer....that and getting stung by the bees. We wait in anticipation for True North in 2025 to see how we "trust Jesus in this wild world". Check back for the registration form. |
KK Registration Form Stop back here around May 2025 for the 2025 form.
Link to our Photo Release Form |