St. Mark's has an active music ministry, led by Jeff Clouser, the Music Ministry Coordinator. Jeff directs the Intergenerational Choir, and the Bell Choir. Cindy Johnson is the Church Organist and also accompanies the Choirs.
The Intergenerational Choir
St. Mark's Intergenerational Choir begins its year in late August and sings until the end of May. Typically, they sing once or twice a month. Rehearsals are on Sunday mornings at 8:30 before worship at 10. Rehearsals typically last 45 minutes to an hour. The choir's repertoire ranges from Bach classics to modern contemporary gospel. The choir performs regular two, three, and four-part anthems, as well as two and three-part canons. Most music is accompanied by piano, or done a cappella, although organ, CD and individual instrumentalists are also used. In addition to their music offerings once or twice a month, the Intergenerational Choir sings for Ash Wednesday, Holy Week and Christmas Eve services. Membership is open to anyone who likes to sing, has a pleasant singing voice and can learn to sing parts. Age range is generally from ninth grade to adult.
Bell Choir
St. Mark's Bell choir begins its rehearsals in September and generally finishes in May. Rehearsals are typically the first and third Tuesdays of each month for 45 minutes. Extra rehearsals are scheduled as needed. The church has a four-octave set of English hand bells, as well as a three-octave set of hand chimes. The group performs once a month and at some special services, such as Christmas Eve and during Lent. The group presents a variety of music. Up to 10 bell ringers perform, with membership open to anyone in ninth grade or older. Although no special musical talent is required, rhythmic proficiency and flexibility in ringing different bell positions is beneficial for ringing handbells.
Praise Team
St. Mark's Praise Team is a mixed choir of various ages who love to raise their voices in praise to God. This vocal group brings its unique talents together in the parlor for rehearsals on the first and last Sundays of each month at 10 a.m. The Praise Team seeks to make its joy contagious to the congregation as it remembers that praising God is not only fun but also a celebration of the congregation's spirit. The Praise Team desires to bring its best to God, approaching ministry with humble and sincere hearts.
Praise Team is currently on hiatus. |
Youth and Chime Choirs
It has been said that the gospel of Jesus Christ stays the same, but the methods used to convey that gospel must change with new generations and different cultures. It is with great joy and happiness that the Youth and Chime Choirs sing and ring their praises as they learn of our Lord through the blessing of music. Led by Jeff Clouser, with assistance from Margaret Scholl, the children rehearse Sundays after the children's sermon and before they head to Children's Church.